Negotiate by asking for discounts

crowd of people walking on street near shop showcase

Saving money is a top priority in this economy, and one way to do that is by asking for discounts. However, asking for a discount can be intimidating and may seem like a science, but it is actually an art. With the right approach, you can easily save money on products and services.
First and foremost, always be genuine and friendly. People are more likely to help you if you are friendly and approachable. A winning smile or a compliment can go a long way in easing any awkwardness and connecting with the person on a human level.

Before asking for a discount, do your research. It helps if you recite 1-2 reasons why you should get a deal. For example, if you’re looking to save on a product or service, you should know what other providers are charging or offering better. This will increase your chances of success when asking for a discount.

Know who and when to ask. Some avenues are better than others. For example, many companies have a customer service handle on social media platforms such as Twitter, where it’s much easier to ask for a better rate than it is to waste your afternoon on the phone. Twitter customer service is truly one of the best-kept secrets on the discount front.

Hearing “no” is not personal. In fact, many employees wish they could help you more, but their hands are tied. If you are talking to the wrong person or department, ask if someone else can escalate to help in your pursuit of savings. Even if the answer is no, you’ll rarely regret trying.

Finally, be willing to walk away. Don’t feel compelled to buy the product or service if you weren’t able to score the savings you’d hoped for. Part of being an intelligent bargain hunter means a willingness to shrug your shoulders and move on. You’ll have other money-saving opportunities in the future!
In conclusion, asking for discounts is an art that requires a genuine, nice approach, research, knowledge of who and when to ask, and the willingness to walk away. With these tips, you can easily save money on products and services.