Fall is around the corner

Don’t look now, but it’s almost September. You have four months left in the year to accomplish your goals. How are you doing? Hmm, we’re not there yet either. But don’t give up hope!

Did you try to save up for an emergency fund and fail? There’s still time. Can you start with a small amount, $20? Keep adding to it regularly. Go over ideas to sell things you don’t need. There’s still time to earn over 9% interest with iBonds. (Link)

How about paying off debt? Even some small progress should be celebrated.

Is inflation hitting you hard? Combine errands into fewer trips to save gas. Switch grocery stores. Try Trade Joe’s or Aldi. Meal plan to avoid last-minute eating out. Do it. No more excuses.

Holding off on the Roth? Let’s try to fund 2022’s Roth before the year ends.

Exercise goals? Can you change your routine to make time for working out?

Some of us had 2022 career goals. Perhaps the downturn in some industries hurt our chances. Can we find some more open positions to apply to? How about internal promotions?

This is a financial blog, but perhaps you had other goals, too. Is it time to reserve some books at the library and get back to the reading goal? Just take one step today toward these goals.